The Voice of Democracy

The third voice places the focus on the virtual community and the need to prevent Mr. Bungle and his ilk from retarding the emergence of sociability, friendship, caring, and other nurturing communal values on the MOO. This voice called for democratic institutions within the MOO enabling the community to protect itself against destroyers and levellers. (In a fascinating political experiment, these institutions are evolving at LambdaMOO. Citizenship there involves consideral political responsibilities, especially surrounding plebiscites.) At the time of the incident there were no rules in place to deal with Mr. Bungle, and the wizards on the scene were at a loss about what to do, until a solitary voice was heard. One of the wizards took matters in his own hands, at considerable risk to his status as a wizard, and toaded Mr. Bungle. --

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Masthead CMC Magazine / January 1, 1996

* Wizards, Toads, and Ethics, by Wes Cooper

The Voice of Democracy

The third voice places the focus on the virtual community and the need to prevent Mr. Bungle and his ilk from retarding the emergence of sociability, friendship, caring, and other nurturing communal values on the MOO. This voice called for democratic institutions within the MOO enabling the community to protect itself against destroyers and levellers. (In a fascinating political experiment, these institutions are evolving at LambdaMOO. Citizenship there involves consideral political responsibilities, especially surrounding plebiscites.) At the time of the incident there were no rules in place to deal with Mr. Bungle, and the wizards on the scene were at a loss about what to do, until a solitary voice was heard. One of the wizards took matters in his own hands, at considerable risk to his status as a wizard, and toaded Mr. Bungle. --

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Masthead CMC Magazine / January 1, 1996

* Wizards, Toads, and Ethics, by Wes Cooper

The Voice of Democracy

The third voice places the focus on the virtual community and the need to prevent Mr. Bungle and his ilk from retarding the emergence of sociability, friendship, caring, and other nurturing communal values on the MOO. This voice called for democratic institutions within the MOO enabling the community to protect itself against destroyers and levellers. (In a fascinating political experiment, these institutions are evolving at LambdaMOO. Citizenship there involves consideral political responsibilities, especially surrounding plebiscites.) At the time of the incident there were no rules in place to deal with Mr. Bungle, and the wizards on the scene were at a loss about what to do, until a solitary voice was heard. One of the wizards took matters in his own hands, at considerable risk to his status as a wizard, and toaded Mr. Bungle. --

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