December Communications Presents Masthead Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
ISSN 1076-027X / Volume 3, Number 5 / May 1, 1996

Building New Models
John December introduces this issue on electronic publishing on the World Wide Web. A common theme in this issue is the need for Web publishers to develop good processes and practices.


* Two Years on the Web
CMC Magazine was first published two years ago today. This article explores the challenges we have faced as well as some of the lessons we've learned.

* Lessons Learned From Becoming a Self-Publisher on the Web
Journalist David Strom gives an account of his experience in creating his own Web site. He's found some differences and similarities with traditional publishing and the Web.

* Riding the Technology Fence in Online Publishing
Technologies for distributing information on the Web are developing rapidly. But what happens to readers who cannot deal with the technologies a publisher might choose? Jim Brain explores the hurdles he faced in trying to provide content that cuts the edge, but doesn't leave the reader behind.

* Metaphorically Speaking, the Information Highway is Dead
Wade Rowland dissects the "information highway" metaphor. His analysis reveals that we can begin to think of the Net as a new kind of human habitat to begin to better understand how to deal with it and profit from it.

* Creating Web Communities
Online publishers seek to create communities. How can they do it? Damon A. Chaplin introduces the Axis System, an integrator of Web communication.


* Book Review: A Framework for Electronic Publishing Issues
Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Frontier, a new book from the MIT Press, explores issues of scholarly electronic communication and provides a good framework for approaching many issues of online publishing.

* The Last Link: Merge and Bloat
Bell Atlantic and NYNEX are poised to merge. What could be the reason? What could it possibly be? Let's see... could it be..... greed?

Letters to the editor always welcome: mailto:john@december.com

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