Color Spot Tables: tables of color swatches and color codes used in HTML and CSS

Greens: green teal

The Hex Hub
Neutrals: black, grays, white
Warms: red orange brown yellow yellowgreen
Greens: green teal
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Blues: teal cyan blue
Purples: indigo purple violet pink red
Swatch Control: interactive SVG tool for color swatches
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Hues Hub: 4,800 unnamed color swatches with hex values
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The chart below shows the hexadecimal color codes for shades of greens, teal, and similar colors. This page is part of The Hex Hub of The Color Spot at HTML Station. You can use a quick reference table to choose from among the many other color tables available or to see the meaning of the labels (Safe 16 SVG Hex3).

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lizard#5A6351 cactus#636F57 fenway grass#526F35 
romaine lettuce#3B5323 pea#78AB46 kakapo#4A7023 
chartreuse4#458B00 chartreuse3#66CD00 chartreuse2#76EE00 
lawngreen (SVG)#7CFC00 chartreuse (SVG)#7FFF00 kiwi#7F9A65 
soylent green#8BA870 mint candy#9CBA7F wet moss#3D5229 
green apple#629632 tree moss#659D32 limerind#324F17 
flight jacket#7F8778 broccoli#586949 palm#608341 
green mist#BCED91 holly#488214 od green#46523C 
green hornet#6A8455 camo1#CFDBC5 mtn dew bottle#577A3A 
green pepper#397D02 seaweed roll#748269 neon green#83F52C 
forestgreen2#567E3A camo3#9DB68C lichen#C0D9AF 
guacamole#A6D785 cinnabargreen#61B329 green goo#77896C 
pond scum#687E5A douglas fir#3F602B royal palm#3F6826 
green quartz#8AA37B green cheese#8FA880 seaweed#646F5E 
noble fir#476A34 green LED#5DFC0A spinach#435D36 
greenyellow#93DB70 olive3b#3B5E2B frog#84BE6A 
kelly#4CBB17 park ranger#484D46 circuit board#3A6629 
Nerf green#49E20E sapgreen#308014 cantaloupe#9CA998 
leaf#55AE3A green moth#7BBF6A grass#4DBD33 
mint ice cream#C5E3BF green grass of home#395D33 snake#596C56 
camo2#A9C9A4 100 euro#86C67C night vision#7BCC70 
green soap#8CDD81 putting#699864 green lantern#3D8B37 
tea leaves#5F755E new $20#B7C8B6 green algae#63AB62 
wales#4AC948 honeydew4#838B83 honeydew3#C1CDC1 
darkseagreen4#698B69 darkgreen#2F4F2F medium seagreen#426F42 
palegreen4#548B54 darkseagreen (SVG)#8FBC8F honeydew2#E0EEE0 
darkseagreen3#9BCD9B sgichartreuse#71C671 palegreen3#7CCD7C 
huntergreen#215E21 forestgreen (SVG)#228B22 limegreen (SVG)#32CD32 
darkseagreen2#B4EEB4 light green (SVG)#90EE90 palegreen (SVG)#98FB98 
pinegreen (Safe Hex3)#003300 dumpster#004F00 darkgreen (SVG)#006400 
green (16 SVG)#008000 green4#008B00 irish flag (Safe Hex3)#009900 
green3#00CD00 green2 (Hex3)#00EE00 lime (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)#00FF00 
parrotgreen (Safe Hex3)#33FF33 wasabi (Safe Hex3)#66FF66 palegreen1#9AFF9A 
darkseagreen1#C1FFC1 offwhitegreen (Safe Hex3)#CCFFCC honeydew (SVG)#F0FFF0 
green MM#4BB74C viridianlight#6EFF70 cobaltgreen#3D9140 
shamrock shake#B2D0B4 gummi green#24D330 fraser fir#4D6B50 
emerald#5B9C64 green taxi#3F9E4D green stamp#517B58 
permanent green#0AC92B mint green#BDFCC9 obsidian#3D5B43 
pool table#31B94D bottle green#1DA237 springgreen (Safe Hex3)#00FF33 
eton blue#96C8A2 clover#3EA055 scotland pound#487153 
celtics#00611C truegreen#00AF33 england pound#688571 
LCD back#91B49C Coke bottle#79A888 vanilla mint#B4D7BF 
old money#337147 aquaman#37BC61 aquamarine#70DB93 
shamrock#40664D pastel green#92CCA6 green line#329555 
banker's lamp#0E8C3A pumice#78A489 green party#3E6B4F 
cucumber#2C5D3F blue fern#759B84 park bench#2E6444 
neonavocado (Safe Hex3)#00FF66 seagreen (SVG)#2E8B57 seagreen2#4EEE94 
emeraldgreen#00C957 seagreen1#54FF9F moon#DBE6E0 
octopus#34925E mediumseagreen (SVG)#3CB371 seagreen3#43CD80 
isle royale greenstone#426352 fisherman's float#607C6E go#43D58C 
starbucks (Safe Hex3)#006633 springgreen4#008B45 springgreen3#00CD66 
springgreen2#00EE76 springgreen (SVG)#00FF7F mintcream (SVG)#F5FFFA 
lampblack#2E473B fresh green#5EDA9E brushed aluminum#B6C5BE 
packer green#213D30 ooze#3E7A5E army men#327556 
green visor#4D7865 green bark#597368 emeraldgreen2#28AE7B 
mediumspringgreen (SVG)#00FA9A seagreen#238E68 bluegrass#4C7064 
aquamarine4#458B74 mediumaquamarine (SVG)#66CDAA medium aquamarine2#32CC99 
medium aquamarine3#32CD99 aquamarine2#76EEC6 seagreen (Hex3)#00FFAA 
aquamarine (SVG)#7FFFD4 indigo2#218868 coldgrey#808A87 
garden hose#138F6A turquoiseblue#00C78C green card#D0FAEE 
blue green algae#3B8471 electric turquoise#49E9BD 6 ball#1B6453 
cooler#284942 turquoise#0FDDAF sign green#006B54 
green ash#668E86 greencopper#527F76 liberty#A4DCD1 
masters jacket#174038 emerald city#20BF9F light teal (Safe Hex3)#00FFCC 
darkgreencopper#4A766E green scrubs#4F8E83 mediterranean#3E766D 
green gables#3E766D blue lagoon#4CB7A5 aquarium#2FAA96 
mint blue#DBFEF8 blue ice#DAF4F0 malachite#108070 
atlantic green#2A8E82 army uniform#353F3E pacific green#36DBCA 
turquoise (SVG)#40E0D0 wavecrest#99CDC9 natural turquoise#45C3B8 
manganeseblue#03A89E green agate#457371 lightseagreen (SVG)#20B2AA 
mouthwash#01C5BB mediumturquoise (SVG)#48D1CC cool mint#90FEFB 
sea green#068481   
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