Color Spot Tables: tables of color swatches and color codes used in HTML and CSS

Hue, Saturation, and Light Color Codes

This page demonstrates the hue, saturation, and light (HSL) representation of color of the form hsl(H, S%, L%), where H is the hue measured in degrees of the color circle ranging from 0 to 360 (red = 0°; green = 120°; blue = 240°). S is the saturation percent (100% full saturation, 0% is a shade of gray); L is the lightness percent (100% is white, 0% is black, 50% is 'normal'). This is one of the several ways you can define colors in HTML or style sheets; you can use a quick reference table to help you choose from among the many color tables available.

NOTE: Not all Web browsers will show colors defined by HSL codes. The Mozilla Web browser shows colors defined by this method; as of June 2006, Microsoft Internet Explorer does not.

The colors in the chart below come from a variety of sources. Color swatches are defined by using the hsl(H, S%, L%) code for the color and are sorted by HSL. The color names are descriptive and shouldn't be used to specify a color unless you are using the 16 named colors or SVG colors.

You can see the meaning of the labels (Safe 16 SVG Hex3) on the Color Spot table of tables.

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black (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 0%) gray1hsl(0, 0%, 1%) gray2hsl(0, 0%, 2%) 
gray3hsl(0, 0%, 3%) gray4hsl(0, 0%, 4%) gray5hsl(0, 0%, 5%) 
gray6hsl(0, 0%, 6%) gray7hsl(0, 0%, 7%) gray8hsl(0, 0%, 8%) 
gray9hsl(0, 0%, 9%) gray10hsl(0, 0%, 10%) gray11hsl(0, 0%, 11%) 
gray12hsl(0, 0%, 12%) gray13hsl(0, 0%, 13%) gray14hsl(0, 0%, 14%) 
gray15hsl(0, 0%, 15%) gray16hsl(0, 0%, 16%) gray17hsl(0, 0%, 17%) 
gray18hsl(0, 0%, 18%) gray19hsl(0, 0%, 19%) gray20 (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 20%) 
gray21hsl(0, 0%, 21%) gray22hsl(0, 0%, 22%) gray23hsl(0, 0%, 23%) 
gray24hsl(0, 0%, 24%) gray25hsl(0, 0%, 25%) gray26hsl(0, 0%, 26%) 
gray27hsl(0, 0%, 27%) gray28hsl(0, 0%, 28%) gray29hsl(0, 0%, 29%) 
gray30hsl(0, 0%, 30%) gray31hsl(0, 0%, 31%) gray32hsl(0, 0%, 32%) 
gray33 (Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 33%) gray34hsl(0, 0%, 34%) gray35hsl(0, 0%, 35%) 
gray36hsl(0, 0%, 36%) gray37hsl(0, 0%, 37%) gray38hsl(0, 0%, 38%) 
gray39hsl(0, 0%, 39%) gray40 (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 40%) dimgray (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 41%) 
dimgrey (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 41%) gray42hsl(0, 0%, 42%) gray43hsl(0, 0%, 43%) 
gray44hsl(0, 0%, 44%) gray45hsl(0, 0%, 45%) gray46hsl(0, 0%, 46%) 
gray47hsl(0, 0%, 47%) gray48hsl(0, 0%, 48%) gray49hsl(0, 0%, 49%) 
grey (16 SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 50%) gray50hsl(0, 0%, 50%) gray (16 SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 50%) 
gray51hsl(0, 0%, 51%) gray52hsl(0, 0%, 52%) gray53hsl(0, 0%, 53%) 
gray54hsl(0, 0%, 54%) gray55hsl(0, 0%, 55%) gray56hsl(0, 0%, 56%) 
gray57hsl(0, 0%, 57%) gray58hsl(0, 0%, 58%) gray59hsl(0, 0%, 59%) 
gray60 (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 60%) gray61hsl(0, 0%, 61%) gray62hsl(0, 0%, 62%) 
gray63hsl(0, 0%, 63%) gray64hsl(0, 0%, 64%) gray65hsl(0, 0%, 65%) 
darkgrey (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 66%) gray66hsl(0, 0%, 66%) darkgray (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 66%) 
gray67hsl(0, 0%, 67%) sgilight gray (Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 67%) gray68hsl(0, 0%, 68%) 
gray69hsl(0, 0%, 69%) gray70hsl(0, 0%, 70%) gray71hsl(0, 0%, 71%) 
gray72hsl(0, 0%, 72%) gray73hsl(0, 0%, 73%) gray74hsl(0, 0%, 74%) 
silver (16 SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 75%) grayhsl(0, 0%, 75%) gray75hsl(0, 0%, 75%) 
gray76hsl(0, 0%, 76%) gray77hsl(0, 0%, 77%) gray78hsl(0, 0%, 78%) 
gray79hsl(0, 0%, 79%) verylight greyhsl(0, 0%, 80%) gray80 (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 80%) 
gray81hsl(0, 0%, 81%) gray82hsl(0, 0%, 82%) gray83hsl(0, 0%, 83%) 
lightgrey (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 83%) lightgray (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 83%) gray84hsl(0, 0%, 84%) 
gray85hsl(0, 0%, 85%) gainsboro (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 86%) gray86hsl(0, 0%, 86%) 
gray87hsl(0, 0%, 87%) gray88hsl(0, 0%, 88%) gray89hsl(0, 0%, 89%) 
gray90hsl(0, 0%, 90%) gray91hsl(0, 0%, 91%) gray92hsl(0, 0%, 92%) 
gray93hsl(0, 0%, 93%) gray94hsl(0, 0%, 94%) gray95hsl(0, 0%, 95%) 
whitesmoke (SVG)hsl(0, 0%, 96%) gray97hsl(0, 0%, 97%) gray98hsl(0, 0%, 98%) 
gray99hsl(0, 0%, 99%) white (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(0, 0%, 100%) snow4hsl(0, 1%, 54%) 
snow3hsl(0, 4%, 80%) snow2hsl(0, 13%, 92%) rosybrown4hsl(0, 14%, 48%) 
dustyrosehsl(0, 15%, 45%) salmon5hsl(0, 25%, 35%) rosybrown (SVG)hsl(0, 25%, 65%) 
rosybrown3hsl(0, 33%, 71%) indianred4hsl(0, 41%, 39%) sgisalmonhsl(0, 43%, 61%) 
brownhsl(0, 51%, 33%) indianred (SVG)hsl(0, 53%, 58%) indianred3hsl(0, 55%, 57%) 
brown (SVG)hsl(0, 59%, 41%) brown4hsl(0, 60%, 34%) firebrick5hsl(0, 60%, 35%) 
brownhsl(0, 60%, 41%) brown3hsl(0, 61%, 50%) orangehsl(0, 61%, 50%) 
rosybrown2hsl(0, 63%, 82%) strawberryhsl(0, 67%, 45%) firebrick4hsl(0, 68%, 32%) 
firebrick (SVG)hsl(0, 68%, 42%) firebrick3hsl(0, 69%, 48%) brownmadderhsl(0, 71%, 51%) 
scarlethsl(0, 72%, 32%) lightcoral (SVG)hsl(0, 79%, 72%) indianred2hsl(0, 80%, 66%) 
brown2hsl(0, 84%, 58%) firebrick2hsl(0, 85%, 55%) darkcherryred (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 100%, 10%) 
bloodred (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 100%, 20%) maroon (16 SVG)hsl(0, 100%, 25%) darkred (SVG)hsl(0, 100%, 27%) 
red3hsl(0, 100%, 40%) red2 (Hex3)hsl(0, 100%, 47%) red (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(0, 100%, 50%) 
firebrick1hsl(0, 100%, 59%) novascotia salmon (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 100%, 60%) orangered4hsl(0, 100%, 63%) 
seattle salmon (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 100%, 70%) indianred1hsl(0, 100%, 71%) rosybrown1hsl(0, 100%, 88%) 
flatpink (Safe Hex3)hsl(0, 100%, 90%) snow (SVG)hsl(0, 100%, 99%) bing cherryhsl(1, 65%, 38%) 
baconhsl(3, 49%, 56%) chilihsl(3, 63%, 55%) watermelon pulphsl(3, 87%, 60%) 
cadmiumreddeephsl(3, 89%, 47%) red delicious applehsl(4, 89%, 33%) mistyrose3hsl(5, 19%, 76%) 
colahsl(5, 54%, 45%) piglet snouthsl(5, 54%, 84%) gummi redhsl(5, 99%, 50%) 
bloodorange (Hex3)hsl(5, 100%, 40%) mistyrose2hsl(6, 45%, 88%) salmon (SVG)hsl(6, 93%, 71%) 
mistyrose (SVG)hsl(6, 100%, 94%) mistyrose4hsl(7, 6%, 51%) fuji applehsl(7, 59%, 61%) 
red roofhsl(8, 52%, 54%) orangeredhsl(8, 100%, 50%) burntumberhsl(9, 59%, 34%) 
tomato3hsl(9, 60%, 51%) tomato2hsl(9, 83%, 60%) safety conehsl(9, 100%, 60%) 
tomato (SVG)hsl(9, 100%, 64%) manatee grayhsl(10, 7%, 67%) coral4hsl(10, 49%, 36%) 
tomato4hsl(10, 57%, 35%) coral3hsl(10, 58%, 54%) coral2hsl(10, 82%, 62%) 
coral1hsl(10, 100%, 67%) jonathan applehsl(11, 61%, 44%) englishredhsl(11, 78%, 47%) 
pummelo pulphsl(12, 89%, 66%) nectarine (Safe Hex3)hsl(12, 100%, 50%) greenishumberhsl(12, 100%, 53%) 
salmon4hsl(14, 42%, 38%) salmon3hsl(14, 55%, 57%) chili powderhsl(14, 79%, 44%) 
salmon2hsl(14, 80%, 66%) salmon1hsl(14, 100%, 71%) sandstonehsl(15, 17%, 59%) 
darksalmon (SVG)hsl(15, 72%, 70%) fleshochrehsl(15, 100%, 56%) sepiahsl(16, 68%, 22%) 
soylent redhsl(16, 95%, 45%) brown1hsl(16, 100%, 27%) orangered3hsl(16, 100%, 40%) 
orangered2hsl(16, 100%, 47%) orangered (SVG)hsl(16, 100%, 50%) coral (SVG)hsl(16, 100%, 66%) 
light salmon4hsl(17, 36%, 40%) light salmon3hsl(17, 52%, 59%) light salmon2hsl(17, 78%, 69%) 
kidney beanhsl(17, 84%, 38%) maroon5hsl(17, 98%, 21%) lightsalmon (SVG)hsl(17, 100%, 74%) 
verydarkbrownhsl(19, 29%, 28%) feldsparhsl(19, 50%, 64%) sienna (SVG)hsl(19, 56%, 40%) 
sienna3hsl(19, 60%, 51%) burntsiennahsl(19, 80%, 30%) sienna2hsl(19, 83%, 60%) 
orange5hsl(19, 100%, 63%) sienna1hsl(19, 100%, 64%) sienna4hsl(20, 57%, 35%) 
tanhsl(20, 60%, 65%) brownochrehsl(20, 63%, 33%) chocolate (Safe Hex3)hsl(20, 100%, 30%) 
orange crushhsl(21, 93%, 58%) ivoryblackhsl(22, 11%, 15%) darktanhsl(22, 31%, 45%) 
vandykebrownhsl(22, 90%, 19%) apricothsl(22, 95%, 70%) cadmiumorangehsl(22, 100%, 51%) 
marsorangehsl(23, 76%, 33%) mandarianorangehsl(23, 77%, 55%) oregon salmon (Hex3)hsl(23, 100%, 57%) 
semisweet chocolate1hsl(24, 48%, 28%) bakerschocolatehsl(24, 60%, 23%) deepochrehsl(24, 63%, 28%) 
orange (Safe Hex3)hsl(24, 100%, 50%) tangerinehsl(24, 100%, 54%) peach (Hex3)hsl(24, 100%, 67%) 
medium woodhsl(25, 27%, 52%) darkwoodhsl(25, 34%, 39%) light woodhsl(25, 60%, 78%) 
chocolate3hsl(25, 75%, 46%) chocolate (SVG)hsl(25, 75%, 47%) saddlebrown (SVG)hsl(25, 76%, 31%) 
chocolate2hsl(25, 86%, 53%) chocolate1hsl(25, 100%, 57%) seashell (SVG)hsl(25, 100%, 97%) 
seashell3hsl(26, 12%, 78%) seashell2hsl(26, 32%, 90%) coconut shellhsl(26, 48%, 50%) 
sign brownhsl(26, 70%, 22%) marsyellowhsl(26, 79%, 50%) rawsiennahsl(26, 82%, 43%) 
cantaloupe pulphsl(26, 94%, 65%) seashell4hsl(27, 4%, 53%) tan (Hex3)hsl(27, 85%, 57%) 
desert sandhsl(27, 95%, 92%) titaniumhsl(28, 8%, 69%) peachpuff4hsl(28, 16%, 47%) 
peachpuff3hsl(28, 36%, 69%) peachpuff2hsl(28, 66%, 81%) sandybrown (SVG)hsl(28, 87%, 67%) 
peachpuff (SVG)hsl(28, 100%, 86%) tan4hsl(29, 53%, 36%) copperhsl(29, 57%, 46%) 
tan2hsl(29, 83%, 61%) coffeehsl(29, 97%, 34%) tan1hsl(29, 100%, 65%) 
espressohsl(30, 58%, 78%) peru (SVG)hsl(30, 59%, 53%) gold6hsl(30, 61%, 50%) 
gold5hsl(30, 61%, 50%) linen (SVG)hsl(30, 67%, 94%) ochre (Hex3)hsl(30, 71%, 47%) 
darkorange4hsl(30, 100%, 27%) darkorange3hsl(30, 100%, 40%) darkorange2hsl(30, 100%, 47%) 
orangehsl(30, 100%, 50%) darkorange1hsl(30, 100%, 50%) sand (Safe Hex3)hsl(30, 100%, 80%) 
mocha lattehsl(31, 33%, 68%) cafe americanohsl(31, 37%, 15%) cafe au laithsl(31, 50%, 48%) 
goldochrehsl(31, 68%, 46%) melonhsl(31, 69%, 65%) yellowochrehsl(31, 82%, 49%) 
cinnamonhsl(31, 100%, 24%) bisque3hsl(32, 32%, 71%) lattehsl(32, 47%, 43%) 
pistachio shellhsl(32, 61%, 80%) newtanhsl(32, 66%, 77%) light copperhsl(32, 71%, 75%) 
pecanhsl(32, 75%, 53%) cremahsl(32, 94%, 40%) sign orangehsl(32, 100%, 43%) 
darkorange5hsl(32, 100%, 50%) antiquewhite3hsl(33, 22%, 75%) burlywood4hsl(33, 24%, 44%) 
bisque2hsl(33, 62%, 83%) cashewhsl(33, 63%, 66%) carrothsl(33, 85%, 53%) 
darkorange (SVG)hsl(33, 100%, 50%) bisque (SVG)hsl(33, 100%, 88%) antiquewhite1hsl(33, 100%, 93%) 
bisque4hsl(34, 13%, 48%) beige darkhsl(34, 16%, 57%) burlywood3hsl(34, 44%, 65%) 
tan (SVG)hsl(34, 44%, 69%) antiquewhite2hsl(34, 50%, 87%) almondhsl(34, 51%, 53%) 
burlywood (SVG)hsl(34, 57%, 70%) brickhsl(34, 67%, 37%) burlywood2hsl(34, 73%, 75%) 
antiquewhite (SVG)hsl(34, 78%, 91%) cool copperhsl(34, 79%, 47%) eggshellhsl(34, 89%, 89%) 
cadmiumyellowhsl(34, 100%, 54%) burlywood1hsl(34, 100%, 80%) antiquewhite4hsl(35, 8%, 51%) 
cappuccinohsl(35, 43%, 49%) rawumberhsl(35, 73%, 26%) navajowhite4hsl(36, 19%, 46%) 
navajowhite3hsl(36, 40%, 67%) navajowhite2hsl(36, 69%, 78%) kumquathsl(36, 92%, 45%) 
breadhsl(36, 94%, 80%) peachhsl(36, 95%, 93%) cinnamon (Hex3)hsl(36, 100%, 33%) 
aureolineyellowhsl(36, 100%, 57%) cheddarhsl(36, 100%, 71%) navajowhite (SVG)hsl(36, 100%, 84%) 
blanchedalmond (SVG)hsl(36, 100%, 90%) bronzeiihsl(37, 46%, 45%) beach sandhsl(37, 65%, 81%) 
papayawhip (SVG)hsl(37, 100%, 92%) naplesyellowdeephsl(38, 100%, 54%) moccasin (SVG)hsl(38, 100%, 85%) 
wheat4hsl(39, 15%, 47%) bronzehsl(39, 26%, 44%) wheat3hsl(39, 35%, 70%) 
wheat2hsl(39, 65%, 81%) wheat (SVG)hsl(39, 77%, 83%) oldlace (SVG)hsl(39, 85%, 95%) 
orange4hsl(39, 100%, 27%) orange3hsl(39, 100%, 40%) orange2hsl(39, 100%, 47%) 
orange (SVG)hsl(39, 100%, 50%) wheat1hsl(39, 100%, 86%) orange candyhsl(40, 52%, 66%) 
siennahsl(40, 60%, 35%) organic teahsl(40, 65%, 41%) gold7 (Hex3)hsl(40, 100%, 50%) 
cadmium yellowlighthsl(40, 100%, 53%) floralwhite (SVG)hsl(40, 100%, 97%) dark wheathsl(41, 69%, 71%) 
pyridiumorangehsl(42, 97%, 48%) packer goldhsl(42, 97%, 53%) honeyhsl(42, 98%, 84%) 
darkgoldenrod1hsl(42, 100%, 53%) canvashsl(43, 32%, 47%) goldenrod (SVG)hsl(43, 74%, 49%) 
goldenrod4hsl(43, 75%, 31%) goldenrod3hsl(43, 75%, 46%) goldenrod2hsl(43, 86%, 53%) 
darkgoldenrod4hsl(43, 89%, 29%) darkgoldenrod (SVG)hsl(43, 89%, 38%) darkgoldenrod3hsl(43, 89%, 43%) 
darkgoldenrod2hsl(43, 89%, 49%) goldenrod1hsl(43, 100%, 57%) semisweet chocolate2hsl(44, 79%, 53%) 
golden delicious applehsl(45, 79%, 66%) beerhsl(46, 77%, 56%) bartlett pearhsl(47, 64%, 49%) 
mustard (Hex3)hsl(47, 100%, 53%) stainless steelhsl(48, 7%, 87%) cornsilk (SVG)hsl(48, 100%, 93%) 
ashhsl(49, 13%, 74%) cornsilk3hsl(49, 22%, 75%) cornsilk2hsl(49, 49%, 87%) 
oldgoldhsl(49, 61%, 52%) sign yellowhsl(49, 97%, 54%) buttermilkhsl(49, 97%, 85%) 
light goldenrod4hsl(50, 29%, 42%) light goldenrod3hsl(50, 48%, 62%) light goldenrod2hsl(50, 76%, 72%) 
pineapplehsl(50, 97%, 61%) light goldenrod1hsl(50, 100%, 77%) cornsilk4hsl(51, 8%, 51%) 
sgibrightgrayhsl(51, 19%, 72%) bananahsl(51, 71%, 62%) light goldenrodhsl(51, 76%, 72%) 
gold4hsl(51, 100%, 27%) gold3hsl(51, 100%, 40%) gold2hsl(51, 100%, 47%) 
gold (SVG)hsl(51, 100%, 50%) brasshsl(52, 47%, 48%) gummi yellowhsl(52, 97%, 52%) 
cream city brickhsl(53, 44%, 80%) grapefruithsl(53, 81%, 75%) cadmiumlemonhsl(53, 100%, 51%) 
lemonchiffon3hsl(54, 29%, 73%) lemonchiffon2hsl(54, 58%, 84%) lemonhsl(54, 66%, 53%) 
khaki (SVG)hsl(54, 77%, 75%) cornhsl(54, 95%, 67%) yolkhsl(54, 100%, 50%) 
lemonchiffon (SVG)hsl(54, 100%, 90%) tankhsl(55, 21%, 31%) khaki4hsl(55, 28%, 43%) 
khaki3hsl(55, 47%, 63%) palegoldenrod (SVG)hsl(55, 67%, 80%) khaki2hsl(55, 76%, 73%) 
khaki1hsl(55, 100%, 78%) lemonchiffon4hsl(56, 11%, 49%) darkkhaki (SVG)hsl(56, 38%, 58%) 
yellow perchhsl(56, 64%, 66%) anjou pearhsl(56, 93%, 38%) coconuthsl(56, 100%, 91%) 
foghsl(57, 17%, 75%) yellow candyhsl(58, 74%, 74%) picklehsl(59, 57%, 31%) 
green grapehsl(59, 81%, 45%) blackberryhsl(60, 2%, 22%) ivory4hsl(60, 3%, 53%) 
light yellow4hsl(60, 7%, 51%) warmgreyhsl(60, 10%, 46%) ivory3hsl(60, 11%, 78%) 
light yellow3hsl(60, 20%, 75%) wheathsl(60, 24%, 80%) darkolivegreenhsl(60, 25%, 25%) 
khakihsl(60, 25%, 50%) ivory2hsl(60, 29%, 91%) ganegreen (Hex3)hsl(60, 40%, 33%) 
sgiolivedrabhsl(60, 43%, 39%) light yellow2hsl(60, 46%, 88%) beige (SVG)hsl(60, 56%, 91%) 
medium goldenrodhsl(60, 59%, 80%) goldenrodhsl(60, 60%, 65%) brightgoldhsl(60, 79%, 47%) 
lightgoldenrodyellow (SVG)hsl(60, 80%, 90%) olive (16 SVG)hsl(60, 100%, 25%) yellow4hsl(60, 100%, 27%) 
yellow3hsl(60, 100%, 40%) ralphyellow (Safe Hex3)hsl(60, 100%, 40%) yellow2 (Hex3)hsl(60, 100%, 47%) 
yellow (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(60, 100%, 50%) papayahsl(60, 100%, 75%) popcornyellow (Hex3)hsl(60, 100%, 83%) 
bone (Safe Hex3)hsl(60, 100%, 90%) lightyellow (SVG)hsl(60, 100%, 94%) ivory (SVG)hsl(60, 100%, 97%) 
soylent yellowhsl(61, 89%, 72%) fire truck greenhsl(63, 96%, 43%) avocadohsl(66, 38%, 46%) 
celeryhsl(66, 51%, 68%) pearhsl(66, 75%, 54%) wasabi saucehsl(67, 44%, 53%) 
battleshiphsl(69, 13%, 80%) kermithsl(69, 82%, 41%) key lime piehsl(72, 51%, 57%) 
breadfruithsl(72, 60%, 38%) iceberg lettucehsl(72, 68%, 67%) titaniumwhitehsl(72, 100%, 97%) 
safety vesthsl(73, 91%, 55%) jack pinehsl(74, 63%, 19%) chromeoxidegreenhsl(74, 73%, 29%) 
goldgreen (Hex3)hsl(74, 100%, 43%) chartreuse vertehsl(75, 80%, 56%) watermelon rindhsl(76, 38%, 28%) 
martini olivehsl(76, 40%, 46%) sweet potato vinehsl(76, 57%, 51%) limepulphsl(76, 72%, 75%) 
cat eyehsl(76, 74%, 61%) jolly greenhsl(76, 78%, 45%) avacadohsl(78, 47%, 55%) 
chromehsl(79, 51%, 89%) olivedrab4hsl(79, 61%, 34%) peahsl(80, 41%, 42%) 
olivedrab (SVG)hsl(80, 60%, 35%) yellowgreen2hsl(80, 61%, 50%) yellowgreen (SVG)hsl(80, 61%, 50%) 
olivedrab2hsl(80, 84%, 58%) olivedrab1hsl(80, 100%, 62%) melonrindgreenhsl(81, 100%, 82%) 
darkolivegreen (SVG)hsl(82, 39%, 30%) darkolivegreen4hsl(82, 39%, 39%) darkolivegreen3hsl(82, 53%, 58%) 
darkolivegreen2hsl(82, 80%, 67%) darkolivegreen1hsl(82, 100%, 72%) greenyellow (SVG)hsl(84, 100%, 59%) 
terrevertehsl(89, 72%, 21%) lizardhsl(90, 10%, 35%) cactushsl(90, 12%, 39%) 
fenway grasshsl(90, 35%, 32%) romaine lettucehsl(90, 41%, 23%) peahsl(90, 42%, 47%) 
kakapohsl(90, 52%, 29%) chartreuse4hsl(90, 100%, 27%) chartreuse3hsl(90, 100%, 40%) 
chartreuse2hsl(90, 100%, 47%) lawngreen (SVG)hsl(90, 100%, 49%) chartreuse (SVG)hsl(90, 100%, 50%) 
kiwihsl(91, 21%, 50%) soylent greenhsl(91, 24%, 55%) mint candyhsl(91, 30%, 61%) 
wet mosshsl(91, 33%, 24%) green applehsl(91, 50%, 39%) tree mosshsl(91, 52%, 41%) 
limerindhsl(91, 55%, 20%) flight jackethsl(92, 6%, 50%) broccolihsl(92, 18%, 35%) 
palmhsl(92, 34%, 38%) green misthsl(92, 72%, 75%) hollyhsl(92, 73%, 29%) 
od greenhsl(93, 15%, 28%) green hornethsl(93, 22%, 43%) camo1hsl(93, 23%, 82%) 
mtn dew bottlehsl(93, 36%, 35%) green pepperhsl(93, 97%, 25%) seaweed rollhsl(94, 11%, 46%) 
neon greenhsl(94, 91%, 57%) forestgreen2hsl(95, 37%, 36%) camo3hsl(96, 22%, 63%) 
lichenhsl(96, 36%, 77%) guacamolehsl(96, 51%, 68%) cinnabargreenhsl(96, 63%, 43%) 
green goohsl(97, 12%, 48%) pond scumhsl(97, 17%, 42%) douglas firhsl(97, 38%, 27%) 
royal palmhsl(97, 46%, 28%) green quartzhsl(98, 18%, 56%) green cheesehsl(98, 19%, 58%) 
seaweedhsl(99, 8%, 40%) noble firhsl(99, 34%, 31%) green LEDhsl(99, 98%, 51%) 
spinachhsl(100, 27%, 29%) greenyellowhsl(100, 60%, 65%) olive3bhsl(101, 37%, 27%) 
froghsl(101, 39%, 58%) kellyhsl(101, 78%, 41%) park rangerhsl(103, 5%, 29%) 
circuit boardhsl(103, 43%, 28%) Nerf greenhsl(103, 88%, 47%) sapgreenhsl(104, 73%, 29%) 
cantaloupehsl(106, 9%, 63%) leafhsl(106, 50%, 45%) green mothhsl(108, 40%, 58%) 
grasshsl(109, 58%, 47%) mint ice creamhsl(110, 39%, 82%) green grass of homehsl(111, 29%, 28%) 
snakehsl(112, 11%, 38%) camo2hsl(112, 26%, 72%) 100 eurohsl(112, 39%, 63%) 
night visionhsl(113, 47%, 62%) green soaphsl(113, 58%, 69%) puttinghsl(114, 21%, 49%) 
green lanternhsl(116, 43%, 38%) tea leaveshsl(117, 11%, 41%) new $20hsl(117, 14%, 75%) 
green algaehsl(119, 30%, 53%) waleshsl(119, 54%, 54%) honeydew4hsl(120, 3%, 53%) 
honeydew3hsl(120, 11%, 78%) darkseagreen4hsl(120, 14%, 48%) darkgreenhsl(120, 25%, 25%) 
medium seagreenhsl(120, 25%, 35%) palegreen4hsl(120, 25%, 44%) darkseagreen (SVG)hsl(120, 25%, 65%) 
honeydew2hsl(120, 29%, 91%) darkseagreen3hsl(120, 33%, 71%) sgichartreusehsl(120, 43%, 61%) 
palegreen3hsl(120, 45%, 65%) huntergreenhsl(120, 48%, 25%) forestgreen (SVG)hsl(120, 61%, 34%) 
limegreen (SVG)hsl(120, 61%, 50%) darkseagreen2hsl(120, 63%, 82%) light green (SVG)hsl(120, 73%, 75%) 
palegreen (SVG)hsl(120, 93%, 79%) pinegreen (Safe Hex3)hsl(120, 100%, 10%) dumpsterhsl(120, 100%, 15%) 
darkgreen (SVG)hsl(120, 100%, 20%) green (16 SVG)hsl(120, 100%, 25%) green4hsl(120, 100%, 27%) 
irish flag (Safe Hex3)hsl(120, 100%, 30%) green3hsl(120, 100%, 40%) green2 (Hex3)hsl(120, 100%, 47%) 
lime (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(120, 100%, 50%) parrotgreen (Safe Hex3)hsl(120, 100%, 60%) wasabi (Safe Hex3)hsl(120, 100%, 70%) 
palegreen1hsl(120, 100%, 80%) darkseagreen1hsl(120, 100%, 88%) offwhitegreen (Safe Hex3)hsl(120, 100%, 90%) 
honeydew (SVG)hsl(120, 100%, 97%) green MMhsl(121, 43%, 51%) viridianlighthsl(121, 100%, 72%) 
cobaltgreenhsl(122, 41%, 40%) shamrock shakehsl(124, 24%, 76%) gummi greenhsl(124, 71%, 48%) 
fraser firhsl(126, 16%, 36%) emeraldhsl(128, 26%, 48%) green taxihsl(129, 43%, 43%) 
green stamphsl(130, 21%, 40%) permanent greenhsl(130, 91%, 41%) mint greenhsl(131, 91%, 86%) 
obsidianhsl(132, 20%, 30%) pool tablehsl(132, 58%, 46%) bottle greenhsl(132, 70%, 37%) 
springgreen (Safe Hex3)hsl(132, 100%, 50%) eton bluehsl(134, 31%, 69%) cloverhsl(134, 44%, 44%) 
scotland poundhsl(136, 22%, 36%) celticshsl(137, 100%, 19%) truegreenhsl(137, 100%, 34%) 
england poundhsl(139, 12%, 46%) LCD backhsl(139, 19%, 64%) Coke bottlehsl(139, 21%, 57%) 
vanilla minthsl(139, 30%, 77%) old moneyhsl(139, 38%, 32%) aquamanhsl(139, 55%, 48%) 
aquamarinehsl(140, 60%, 65%) shamrockhsl(141, 23%, 33%) pastel greenhsl(141, 36%, 69%) 
green linehsl(141, 50%, 39%) banker's lamphsl(141, 82%, 30%) pumicehsl(143, 19%, 56%) 
green partyhsl(143, 27%, 33%) cucumberhsl(143, 36%, 27%) blue fernhsl(144, 16%, 53%) 
park benchhsl(144, 37%, 29%) neonavocado (Safe Hex3)hsl(144, 100%, 50%) seagreen (SVG)hsl(146, 50%, 36%) 
seagreen2hsl(146, 82%, 62%) emeraldgreenhsl(146, 100%, 39%) seagreen1hsl(146, 100%, 66%) 
moonhsl(147, 18%, 88%) octopushsl(147, 47%, 39%) mediumseagreen (SVG)hsl(147, 50%, 47%) 
seagreen3hsl(147, 58%, 53%) isle royale greenstonehsl(149, 20%, 32%) fisherman's floathsl(150, 13%, 43%) 
gohsl(150, 63%, 55%) starbucks (Safe Hex3)hsl(150, 100%, 20%) springgreen4hsl(150, 100%, 27%) 
springgreen3hsl(150, 100%, 40%) springgreen2hsl(150, 100%, 47%) springgreen (SVG)hsl(150, 100%, 50%) 
mintcream (SVG)hsl(150, 100%, 98%) lampblackhsl(151, 21%, 23%) fresh greenhsl(151, 63%, 61%) 
brushed aluminumhsl(152, 11%, 74%) packer greenhsl(152, 30%, 18%) oozehsl(152, 33%, 36%) 
army menhsl(152, 40%, 33%) green visorhsl(153, 22%, 39%) green barkhsl(155, 13%, 40%) 
emeraldgreen2hsl(157, 63%, 42%) mediumspringgreen (SVG)hsl(157, 100%, 49%) seagreenhsl(159, 60%, 35%) 
bluegrasshsl(160, 19%, 37%) aquamarine4hsl(160, 34%, 41%) mediumaquamarine (SVG)hsl(160, 51%, 60%) 
medium aquamarine2hsl(160, 61%, 50%) medium aquamarine3hsl(160, 61%, 50%) aquamarine2hsl(160, 78%, 70%) 
seagreen (Hex3)hsl(160, 100%, 50%) aquamarine (SVG)hsl(160, 100%, 75%) indigo2hsl(161, 61%, 33%) 
coldgreyhsl(162, 4%, 52%) garden hosehsl(162, 77%, 32%) turquoisebluehsl(162, 100%, 39%) 
green cardhsl(163, 81%, 90%) blue green algaehsl(164, 38%, 37%) electric turquoisehsl(164, 78%, 60%) 
6 ballhsl(166, 57%, 25%) coolerhsl(167, 29%, 22%) turquoisehsl(167, 87%, 46%) 
sign greenhsl(167, 100%, 21%) green ashhsl(168, 16%, 48%) greencopperhsl(168, 22%, 41%) 
libertyhsl(168, 44%, 75%) masters jackethsl(168, 47%, 17%) emerald cityhsl(168, 71%, 44%) 
light teal (Safe Hex3)hsl(168, 100%, 50%) darkgreencopperhsl(169, 23%, 38%) green scrubshsl(170, 29%, 43%) 
mediterraneanhsl(170, 31%, 35%) green gableshsl(170, 31%, 35%) blue lagoonhsl(170, 43%, 51%) 
aquariumhsl(170, 57%, 43%) mint bluehsl(170, 95%, 93%) blue icehsl(171, 54%, 91%) 
malachitehsl(171, 78%, 28%) atlantic greenhsl(173, 54%, 36%) army uniformhsl(174, 9%, 23%) 
pacific greenhsl(174, 70%, 54%) turquoise (SVG)hsl(174, 72%, 56%) wavecresthsl(175, 34%, 70%) 
natural turquoisehsl(175, 51%, 52%) manganesebluehsl(176, 96%, 34%) green agatehsl(177, 25%, 36%) 
lightseagreen (SVG)hsl(177, 70%, 41%) mouthwashhsl(177, 99%, 39%) mediumturquoise (SVG)hsl(178, 60%, 55%) 
cool minthsl(178, 98%, 78%) sea greenhsl(179, 91%, 27%) azure4hsl(180, 3%, 53%) 
light cyan4hsl(180, 7%, 51%) azure3hsl(180, 11%, 78%) paleturquoise4hsl(180, 15%, 47%) 
light cyan3hsl(180, 20%, 75%) darkslategray (SVG)hsl(180, 25%, 25%) darkslategrey (SVG)hsl(180, 25%, 25%) 
cadetbluehsl(180, 25%, 50%) light bluehsl(180, 25%, 80%) darkslategray4hsl(180, 26%, 43%) 
azure2hsl(180, 29%, 91%) paleturquoise3hsl(180, 35%, 70%) sgitealhsl(180, 43%, 39%) 
darkslategray3hsl(180, 46%, 64%) light cyan2hsl(180, 46%, 88%) light bluehsl(180, 48%, 70%) 
aqua (Safe Hex3)hsl(180, 50%, 60%) turquoisehsl(180, 59%, 80%) medium turquoisehsl(180, 60%, 65%) 
paleturquoise2hsl(180, 65%, 81%) paleturquoise (SVG)hsl(180, 65%, 81%) darkslategray2hsl(180, 74%, 74%) 
metallic minthsl(180, 98%, 60%) teal (16 SVG)hsl(180, 100%, 25%) darkcyan (SVG)hsl(180, 100%, 27%) 
cyan3hsl(180, 100%, 40%) cyan2 (Hex3)hsl(180, 100%, 47%) aqua (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(180, 100%, 50%) 
cyan (Safe 16=aqua SVG Hex3)hsl(180, 100%, 50%) darkslategray1hsl(180, 100%, 80%) paleturquoise1 (Hex3)hsl(180, 100%, 87%) 
lightcyan (SVG)hsl(180, 100%, 94%) azure (SVG)hsl(180, 100%, 97%) darkturquoise (SVG)hsl(181, 100%, 41%) 
cadetblue (SVG)hsl(182, 25%, 50%) turquoise4hsl(182, 100%, 27%) turquoise3hsl(182, 100%, 40%) 
turquoise2hsl(182, 100%, 47%) turquoise1hsl(182, 100%, 50%) swimming poolhsl(183, 78%, 66%) 
fenway monsterhsl(184, 24%, 38%) teal LEDhsl(184, 100%, 51%) cadetblue4hsl(185, 25%, 44%) 
old copperhsl(185, 32%, 58%) indiglohsl(185, 100%, 51%) cadetblue3hsl(186, 45%, 64%) 
cadetblue2hsl(186, 74%, 75%) ceruleanhsl(186, 95%, 41%) cadetblue1hsl(186, 100%, 80%) 
powderblue (SVG)hsl(187, 52%, 80%) pastel bluehsl(187, 75%, 86%) nypd bluehsl(189, 60%, 51%) 
lindsay eyeshsl(191, 21%, 50%) diamond bluehsl(192, 89%, 48%) robin's egghsl(193, 54%, 85%) 
light blue4hsl(194, 14%, 48%) surfhsl(194, 87%, 67%) light blue3hsl(195, 34%, 70%) 
lake michiganhsl(195, 48%, 54%) lightblue (SVG)hsl(195, 53%, 79%) light blue2hsl(195, 64%, 82%) 
deepskyblue4hsl(195, 100%, 27%) deepskyblue3hsl(195, 100%, 40%) skyblue5 (Safe Hex3)hsl(195, 100%, 40%) 
deepskyblue2hsl(195, 100%, 47%) deepskyblue (SVG)hsl(195, 100%, 50%) light blue1hsl(195, 100%, 87%) 
peacockhsl(196, 60%, 49%) LCD darkhsl(197, 25%, 42%) skyblue (SVG)hsl(197, 71%, 73%) 
summerskyhsl(197, 72%, 55%) police strobehsl(198, 100%, 52%) caribbeanhsl(199, 96%, 62%) 
blue sharkhsl(200, 29%, 55%) carolina bluehsl(200, 48%, 54%) steelbluehsl(200, 60%, 35%) 
skyblue6hsl(200, 61%, 50%) topazhsl(200, 99%, 44%) blue linehsl(201, 72%, 54%) 
light skyblue4hsl(202, 18%, 46%) pacific bluehsl(202, 34%, 32%) blue spongehsl(202, 35%, 53%) 
light skyblue3hsl(202, 39%, 68%) liz eyeshsl(202, 40%, 33%) light skyblue2hsl(202, 69%, 79%) 
blue misthsl(202, 97%, 75%) neon bluehsl(202, 100%, 70%) light skyblue1hsl(202, 100%, 85%) 
lightskyblue (SVG)hsl(203, 92%, 75%) skyblue3hsl(204, 49%, 61%) skyblue4hsl(205, 31%, 42%) 
cerulean bluehsl(205, 55%, 75%) skyblue2hsl(205, 77%, 71%) skyblue1hsl(205, 100%, 76%) 
malta bluehsl(206, 29%, 45%) lake huronhsl(207, 22%, 47%) blue whalehsl(207, 32%, 38%) 
steelblue (SVG)hsl(207, 44%, 49%) steelblue3hsl(207, 56%, 56%) steelblue2hsl(207, 81%, 65%) 
steelblue1hsl(207, 100%, 69%) blue doghsl(208, 10%, 36%) steelblue4hsl(208, 44%, 38%) 
tropical bluehsl(208, 89%, 67%) blue icehsl(208, 94%, 72%) aliceblue (SVG)hsl(208, 100%, 97%) 
aquamarinehsl(209, 34%, 47%) indigo dyehsl(209, 83%, 30%) slategrey (SVG)hsl(210, 13%, 50%) 
slategray (SVG)hsl(210, 13%, 50%) lightslategrey (SVG Hex3)hsl(210, 14%, 53%) lightslategray (SVG Hex3)hsl(210, 14%, 53%) 
lake eriehsl(210, 28%, 52%) slategray3hsl(210, 32%, 71%) sgilight bluehsl(210, 35%, 62%) 
dodgerblue4hsl(210, 79%, 30%) dodgerblue3hsl(210, 79%, 45%) dodgerblue2hsl(210, 86%, 52%) 
la maison bleuehsl(210, 99%, 69%) slatebluehsl(210, 100%, 50%) dodgerblue (SVG)hsl(210, 100%, 56%) 
slategray4hsl(211, 13%, 48%) heather bluehsl(211, 21%, 77%) seurat bluehsl(211, 41%, 61%) 
blueberryhsl(211, 49%, 64%) slategray2hsl(211, 61%, 83%) blue buckethsl(211, 90%, 62%) 
slategray1hsl(211, 100%, 89%) greek roofhsl(212, 46%, 43%) cat eyehsl(212, 59%, 67%) 
picasso bluehsl(212, 98%, 50%) sign bluehsl(212, 100%, 26%) light steelblue4hsl(213, 12%, 49%) 
lake superiorhsl(213, 26%, 42%) light steelblue3hsl(213, 30%, 72%) denimhsl(213, 43%, 46%) 
blue spiderhsl(213, 48%, 29%) peafowlhsl(213, 89%, 53%) blue tunahsl(214, 18%, 50%) 
blue cornhsl(214, 22%, 26%) blue stonehsl(214, 33%, 47%) blue birdhsl(214, 40%, 48%) 
lightsteelblue (SVG)hsl(214, 41%, 78%) mailboxhsl(214, 55%, 42%) light steelblue2hsl(214, 60%, 84%) 
forget me notshsl(214, 100%, 75%) light steelblue1hsl(214, 100%, 90%) lake ontariohsl(215, 36%, 47%) 
blue angelshsl(215, 50%, 34%) blue ridge mtnshsl(215, 58%, 55%) blue cowhsl(215, 59%, 71%) 
chemical suithsl(215, 73%, 62%) big blue bushsl(216, 48%, 44%) parrothsl(216, 70%, 54%) 
blue pillhsl(216, 81%, 62%) blue jeanshsl(217, 24%, 34%) pollock bluehsl(219, 38%, 49%) 
YInMn bluehsl(219, 52%, 37%) st louis blueshsl(219, 55%, 38%) cornflowerblue (SVG)hsl(219, 79%, 66%) 
neptunehsl(219, 82%, 69%) natural gashsl(219, 90%, 66%) ulysses butterflyhsl(219, 91%, 52%) 
blue trainhsl(220, 44%, 40%) darkturquoisehsl(220, 60%, 65%) alaska skyhsl(221, 67%, 33%) 
blueberry freshhsl(223, 34%, 51%) ty nanthsl(223, 99%, 49%) cobalthsl(225, 47%, 45%) 
royalblue4hsl(225, 56%, 35%) royalblue3hsl(225, 60%, 52%) royalblue (SVG)hsl(225, 73%, 57%) 
royalblue2hsl(225, 83%, 60%) cichlidhsl(225, 100%, 50%) royalblue1hsl(225, 100%, 64%) 
aluminumhsl(226, 8%, 69%) delfthsl(228, 52%, 28%) blue velvethsl(228, 58%, 20%) 
blue grapeshsl(230, 42%, 40%) pabst bluehsl(230, 57%, 36%) dolphinhsl(232, 9%, 48%) 
nikko bluehsl(233, 58%, 69%) silverhsl(234, 67%, 94%) blue nilehsl(235, 10%, 54%) 
stained glasshsl(237, 99%, 59%) midnightbluehsl(240, 25%, 25%) cornflowerbluehsl(240, 25%, 35%) 
light steelbluehsl(240, 25%, 65%) richbluehsl(240, 33%, 51%) sgislate bluehsl(240, 43%, 61%) 
quartzhsl(240, 52%, 90%) navybluehsl(240, 60%, 35%) medium bluehsl(240, 61%, 50%) 
medium blue2hsl(240, 61%, 50%) midnightblue (SVG)hsl(240, 64%, 27%) lavender (SVG)hsl(240, 67%, 94%) 
midnightblue2 (Safe Hex3)hsl(240, 100%, 10%) navy (16 SVG)hsl(240, 100%, 25%) darkblue (SVG)hsl(240, 100%, 27%) 
newmidnightbluehsl(240, 100%, 31%) mediumblue (SVG)hsl(240, 100%, 40%) blue2 (Hex3)hsl(240, 100%, 47%) 
blue (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(240, 100%, 50%) royalblue (Safe Hex3)hsl(240, 100%, 60%) neonbluehsl(240, 100%, 65%) 
cobalt (Safe Hex3)hsl(240, 100%, 70%) periwinkle (Hex3)hsl(240, 100%, 83%) offwhiteblue (Safe Hex3)hsl(240, 100%, 90%) 
ghostwhite (SVG)hsl(240, 100%, 99%) curacaohsl(241, 41%, 54%) ultramarinehsl(244, 87%, 30%) 
presidential bluehsl(247, 32%, 25%) darkslateblue (SVG)hsl(248, 39%, 39%) slateblue4hsl(248, 40%, 39%) 
dress bluehsl(248, 42%, 33%) slateblue (SVG)hsl(248, 53%, 58%) slateblue3hsl(248, 54%, 58%) 
slateblue2hsl(248, 80%, 67%) slateblue1hsl(248, 100%, 72%) light slatebluehsl(248, 100%, 72%) 
mediumslateblue (SVG)hsl(249, 80%, 67%) cornflower (Safe Hex3)hsl(252, 100%, 50%) medium purple4hsl(259, 32%, 41%) 
medium purple2hsl(259, 77%, 70%) medium purple3hsl(260, 50%, 61%) mediumpurple (SVG)hsl(260, 60%, 65%) 
medium purple1hsl(260, 100%, 75%) blue safe (Safe Hex3)hsl(264, 100%, 50%) blue deephsl(268, 93%, 24%) 
indigohsl(270, 83%, 18%) medium slateblue2hsl(270, 100%, 50%) purple4hsl(271, 68%, 32%) 
purple3hsl(271, 69%, 48%) blueviolet (SVG)hsl(271, 76%, 53%) purple2hsl(271, 85%, 55%) 
purple1hsl(271, 100%, 59%) garden plumhsl(272, 12%, 44%) purple rainhsl(272, 34%, 40%) 
indigo (SVG)hsl(275, 100%, 25%) violet flowerhsl(276, 100%, 69%) purplehsl(277, 87%, 53%) 
purple rosehsl(279, 46%, 33%) indigo tilehsl(280, 18%, 42%) purple candyhsl(280, 29%, 71%) 
darkslatebluehsl(280, 60%, 35%) darkorchid4hsl(280, 61%, 34%) darkorchid (SVG)hsl(280, 61%, 50%) 
darkorchid3hsl(280, 61%, 50%) darkorchidhsl(280, 61%, 50%) darkorchid2hsl(280, 84%, 58%) 
concord grapehsl(280, 99%, 30%) purple6 (Hex3)hsl(280, 100%, 50%) darkorchid1hsl(280, 100%, 62%) 
wild violethsl(281, 89%, 39%) darkviolet (SVG)hsl(282, 100%, 41%) zincwhitehsl(283, 100%, 99%) 
ultramarine violethsl(285, 51%, 29%) medium orchid4hsl(288, 43%, 38%) medium orchid3hsl(288, 55%, 56%) 
mediumorchid (SVG)hsl(288, 59%, 58%) medium orchid2hsl(288, 81%, 65%) grape (Safe Hex3)hsl(288, 100%, 50%) 
medium orchid1hsl(288, 100%, 70%) eggplanthsl(289, 14%, 46%) violethsl(290, 24%, 48%) 
cobaltvioletdeephsl(294, 65%, 37%) lavender fieldhsl(296, 22%, 38%) turniphsl(297, 38%, 48%) 
thistle4hsl(300, 6%, 51%) plum4hsl(300, 15%, 47%) thistle3hsl(300, 19%, 76%) 
thistle (SVG)hsl(300, 24%, 80%) violethsl(300, 25%, 25%) blueviolethsl(300, 25%, 50%) 
lavender (Safe Hex3)hsl(300, 33%, 70%) plum3hsl(300, 35%, 70%) sgibeethsl(300, 43%, 39%) 
thistle2hsl(300, 45%, 88%) plum (SVG)hsl(300, 47%, 75%) corfu pinkhsl(300, 49%, 85%) 
plum2hsl(300, 59%, 80%) orchidhsl(300, 60%, 65%) plum2hsl(300, 65%, 81%) 
violet (SVG)hsl(300, 76%, 72%) purple (16 SVG)hsl(300, 100%, 25%) darkmagenta (SVG)hsl(300, 100%, 27%) 
truepurple (Safe Hex3)hsl(300, 100%, 30%) magenta3hsl(300, 100%, 40%) magenta2 (Hex3)hsl(300, 100%, 47%) 
magenta (Safe 16=fuchsia SVG Hex3)hsl(300, 100%, 50%) fuchsia (Safe 16 SVG Hex3)hsl(300, 100%, 50%) plum1 (Hex3)hsl(300, 100%, 87%) 
thistle1hsl(300, 100%, 94%) orchid4hsl(302, 32%, 41%) orchid3hsl(302, 50%, 61%) 
orchid (SVG)hsl(302, 59%, 65%) orchid1hsl(302, 100%, 76%) orchid2hsl(303, 77%, 71%) 
purple inkhsl(305, 20%, 52%) darkpurplehsl(309, 63%, 33%) pink glasshsl(311, 19%, 79%) 
purple fishhsl(311, 29%, 57%) blue corn chipshsl(312, 6%, 33%) rose (Safe Hex3)hsl(312, 100%, 50%) 
sea urchinhsl(313, 28%, 32%) thistlehsl(315, 41%, 51%) pink candyhsl(316, 45%, 75%) 
maroon6hsl(320, 60%, 35%) violetredhsl(320, 61%, 50%) harold's crayonhsl(320, 70%, 42%) 
fuchsia2 (Hex3)hsl(320, 100%, 50%) spicypinkhsl(321, 100%, 55%) maroon4hsl(322, 66%, 33%) 
maroon3hsl(322, 67%, 48%) violetredhsl(322, 73%, 47%) mediumvioletred (SVG)hsl(322, 81%, 43%) 
maroon2hsl(322, 85%, 56%) maroon1hsl(322, 100%, 60%) neonpinkhsl(323, 100%, 72%) 
dog tonguehsl(324, 82%, 80%) cotton candyhsl(326, 81%, 84%) grapehsl(327, 19%, 28%) 
barneyhsl(327, 65%, 51%) deeppink4hsl(327, 87%, 29%) deeppink3hsl(328, 86%, 43%) 
deeppink2hsl(328, 87%, 50%) deeppink (SVG)hsl(328, 100%, 54%) amethysthsl(330, 20%, 52%) 
hotpink4hsl(330, 41%, 39%) raspberryhsl(330, 56%, 34%) carnationhsl(330, 57%, 70%) 
deeppurplehsl(330, 68%, 20%) orangeredhsl(330, 100%, 50%) hotpink (SVG)hsl(330, 100%, 71%) 
hotpink1hsl(331, 100%, 72%) 20 poundhsl(332, 26%, 52%) hotpink2hsl(332, 80%, 67%) 
cranberryhsl(333, 58%, 45%) violetred4hsl(333, 61%, 34%) violetred3hsl(333, 61%, 50%) 
violetred2hsl(333, 84%, 58%) violetred1hsl(333, 100%, 62%) hotpink3hsl(334, 52%, 59%) 
plum puddinghsl(335, 52%, 35%) broadwaypink (Safe Hex3)hsl(336, 100%, 50%) lavenderblush4hsl(337, 3%, 53%) 
pink jeephsl(337, 72%, 57%) bubble gumhsl(337, 100%, 79%) smyrna purplehsl(338, 26%, 51%) 
maroonb0hsl(338, 57%, 44%) lavenderblush2hsl(339, 29%, 91%) lavenderblush3hsl(340, 11%, 78%) 
palevioletred3hsl(340, 50%, 61%) palevioletred (SVG)hsl(340, 60%, 65%) pink shellhsl(340, 70%, 88%) 
palevioletred1hsl(340, 100%, 75%) lavenderblush (SVG)hsl(340, 100%, 97%) palevioletred4hsl(341, 32%, 41%) 
palevioletred2hsl(341, 77%, 70%) strawberry smoothiehsl(342, 56%, 81%) bunny eyehsl(345, 42%, 45%) 
pink4hsl(347, 17%, 47%) pink3hsl(347, 38%, 69%) pink2hsl(347, 67%, 80%) 
pink1hsl(347, 100%, 85%) crimson (SVG)hsl(348, 83%, 47%) cranberry jellohsl(348, 89%, 63%) 
bright red (Safe Hex3)hsl(348, 100%, 50%) pink cloudhsl(349, 81%, 81%) permanent redviolethsl(350, 72%, 50%) 
pink (SVG)hsl(350, 100%, 88%) tonguehsl(351, 60%, 76%) light pink2hsl(351, 69%, 78%) 
bordeauxhsl(351, 73%, 35%) geraniumlakehsl(351, 85%, 48%) peachpuffhsl(351, 100%, 84%) 
lightpink (SVG)hsl(351, 100%, 86%) light pink4hsl(352, 19%, 46%) black beauty plumhsl(352, 20%, 22%) 
light pink3hsl(352, 39%, 68%) hamhsl(352, 46%, 74%) light pink1hsl(352, 100%, 84%) 
applehsl(353, 55%, 55%) passion fruithsl(353, 62%, 21%) braeburn applehsl(353, 63%, 45%) 
ruby redhsl(354, 69%, 46%) sign redhsl(354, 71%, 40%) red coathsl(354, 81%, 40%) 
alizarin crimsonhsl(355, 77%, 52%) raspberry redhsl(355, 96%, 55%) bermuda sandhsl(356, 71%, 88%) 
indianredhsl(357, 77%, 39%) cherryhsl(357, 78%, 65%) conchhsl(358, 29%, 74%) 
venetianredhsl(358, 78%, 47%) pomegranatehsl(358, 90%, 63%) cadmiumredlighthsl(358, 100%, 51%) 
burntsiennahsl(359, 68%, 20%) madderlakedeephsl(359, 76%, 54%) rosemadderhsl(359, 76%, 55%) 
burgundyhsl(359, 94%, 32%) hematitehsl(360, 72%, 60%)  
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