Intro to Unix

Assignment Grading Criteria

If you make false or misleading statements about the course requirements at any time during this class, including misrepresenting or inaccurately presenting course requirements (including stating "I did the assignment," when you did not get a receipt), I reserve the right to grade your assignment as a 0 and possibly grade you as an F in this course. If you engage in any fraud or deception in doing your assignment or making your appeal, I may recommend that you be expelled from the University and/or face criminal prosecution.

60% Content
Your assignment must contain the items listed in the description of the assignment.
20% Operation
You must accurately turn in your assignment to me. For security and administrative reasons, you must use the Unix account supplied to you by the University to prepare and email your assignment. Failure to do so will result in your assignment not being graded.
  • You will lose points if you send me email with garbled contents or unreadable content.
  • You will lose points if the email you send to me doesn't contain plain text. That is, I DO NOT want to get a word processor file, Microsoft Word, or rich text files, or anything else except plain text and only plain text. Do not send me any assignment as an email attachment. You will lose 10% of your grade if you send your assignment as an attachment. Use the one-line mail trick to send me your assignment at the Unix prompt or use Web-based email.
  • You will lose points if you don't use the subject line of the email as described in the turning in assignments procedures.
  • You will lose points if you use any technology that requires considerable download time or causes my computer to crash.
  • You can't withdraw your assignment once you turn it in.
20% Syntax and Readability
In the case of assignments where you send me Unix commands, it is up to you to verify that the syntax is precise and will work as described in the assignment.

For example, the redirect assignment requires the output of commands--I want to see that output exactly as it was generated by the requirements of the assignment (file redirection), not a transcription (your own writing into a file).

The assignments you turn in are fairly short, but I still want to be able to read them. Your assignment should be as neat as possible with no stray characters or mistakes. Your assignment must not include misspellings and must conform to standard English grammar. (Except, of course, as required by computer commands and syntax).

On-Time Requirement
Your assignment is due by the time listed on the syllabus and must be done with due diligence.

Check for a receipt from me to make sure that I received your assignment before you consider the assignment done--remember "It's not complete until you get your receipt!"

You will lose points for turning in your assignment late as described in the on-time policy.

Every one of the assignments may lead to complications and problems for you--anticiapting and solving these problems within the time given is the learning value of the assignment. However, don't spin your wheels--ask a question via email if you are not making progress.


After I send you your grade, you have the following 48 hours to appeal the score by writing an email to me.

Check my evaluation, addition, any late penalities, etc., and send me an email describing your appeal. In your appeal, list facts to support the reason for your appeal. Your entire assignment will be re-evaluated because of your appeal, and it is possible that you will get a lower score than you originally had before the appeal.

I reserve the right to reject any appeal which contains threatening or belligerent language. Threating email notes to me will be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

If you make false or misleading statements in your appeal, or at any time during this class, including misrepresenting or inaccurately presenting course requirements (including stating "I did the assignment," when you did not get a receipt), I reserve the right to grade your assignment as a 0 and possibly grade you as an F in this course. If you engage in any fraud or deception in doing your assignment or making your appeal, I may recommend that you be expelled from the University and/or face criminal prosecution.

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