Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine / Volume 1, Number 3 / July 1, 1994 / Page 12

Editor's Page

by John December, Publisher/Editor, CMC Magazine


I'm very happy to welcome the The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) to cyberspace. When I was asked to be on its editorial board, I was honored to accept. When I founded CMC Magazine just two months ago, I knew I could not marshall the kind of resources and academic backing that editors of JCMC have brought to their venture. They have assembled the wealth of experience in the field of CMC necessary to support a scientific, peer-reviewed publication. I look forward to its debut in the fall, and I am glad to be a part of what I think will be the premiere journal in the field. I'll continue with my passion for CMC Magazine, carrying out its more informal mission as a forum for news, stories, and views about what we can know now about CMC's power to transform human experience. There's no official relationship between CMC Magazine and JCMC (except my participation in both), but I'd be honored to have CMC Magazine considered a "little sister" publication--perhaps a bit more brash, growing from the ground up.

In this issue

This issue has been my favorite one to put together so far. I'm very excited about how the articles relate. Independently, the writers have woven threads with a common theme, exploring the reaches and limits of the new media transforming communication and experience in journalism and in the classroom.

They've described how technology has transformed human communities and thought, from issues of Plato's Phaedrus in Don Langham's essay to the PLATO system David R. Wooley describes. Anne Bilodeau talks about her personal transformation from the teletypes of 20 years ago to her current organization, The Society of Electronic News Delivery. Also on a journalism note, Gary Ritzenthaler continues his series about experiences with online news delivery.

What role do computers have in classrooms? Michael E. Doherty, Jr.'s relates what happened at the about the Computers and Writing Conference and Steve Cameron's essay maintains that technology must be applied to classrooms with caution. Jonathan Grudin's experience with the Beginning Teachers Computer Network describes how teachers can find solace in the communities networks build.

And, oh, I got my first letter.

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