Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine / Volume 1, Number 3 / July 1, 1994 / Page 9


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Date: Fri, Jun 17, 1994 1:26 AM
From: "postmaster"
Subject: Re: CMC Magazine


I haven't written to you frequently since we met at the 
MLA convention in Toronto, but I've just finished reading your 
second (June) issue of CMC Magazine and thought that 
I should write to congratulate you for putting together a 
well-written, cohesive journal. Well done!

As the editor of another world-wide web journal forthcoming in June, a
long-time Internet user, and a sociologist who studies online communi-
cations, I find your journal to be very promising.

Unlike the panelists at the 1993 MLA session where we met (it was on
the topic of electronic publishing, if I remember correctly) who seemed
not to have heard of WWW/Mosaic--I think WWW has excellent prospects
for academic publishing, and that you were wise to have chosen it as
the format for your journal. Hopefully the advantages of this system
over listservers and gopher servers will bring other academics to the
WWW community, and we will be able to read and publish more journals
of the caliber of CMC Magazine.


Geoffrey Sauer
postmaster, The English Server

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