Masthead CMC Magazine / March 1, 1996

Review Essay: The Gendered Mystique

by Leslie Regan Shade

Books Reviewed:

In 1993, I wrote that the topic of women and the Net seemed to be the "flavour of the month"; a year later, women and cyberspace in the media had really geared up; and a year after that, women were actively staking out cyberspace turf and creating vital spaces of their own. Now, less than a year after those words were written, a plethora and profundity of W3 sites and books related to the whole 'women and cyberspace' debate have been created. The debates hinge on two phenomena: 1) gender-bending role playing in cyberspace; and 2) the dearth of women on the net.

Sandy Stone and Sherry Turkle, celebrated doyennesses of cyberculture, take on the first phenomenon in their --recently published books that explore and play with the notion of gender identity in networked virtual communities. As for the second issue, that of gender equity on the net, Dale Spender addresses it head-on in her recent work, while Carla Sinclair has written a practical guide to net resources for postmodern and postfeminist women out there.

Leslie Regan Shade ( ) is in McGill University's Graduate Program in Communications.

Copyright © 1996 by Leslie Regan Shade. All Rights Reserved.

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