
February 1997


Looking Backwards

by John December

If you are an author (more than 131 people are) who wrote an article (more than 306) or helped edit (more than two dozen people did) CMC Magazine in the past two and a half years, you're invited back.

Our May 1997 issue will mark our third anniversary, and I'd like to take a look back at our past. I'm looking for articles that review, critique, expand upon, or in some way engage, the past content of CMC Magazine.

It has always been my vision to use the unique ability of the Web to create meaning with this magazine. The archive of all the past articles makes it possible for writers to not only refer back, but to link to, past content to create new meanings.

Did you read or write an article that you want to update? Have you read an article that needs a critique or response? Or do you see a series of articles (for example in our special focus issues on gender, politics, etc.) that can combine together to create a new insight? If so, create a hypertext layer over that article or set of articles.

We welcome well-documented and thought out essays and feature articles of approximately 1,500-2,000 words. We especially invite pieces that use concrete examples to illustrate key points and those that draw concrete conclusions from which we can all learn.

Please send queries to John December ( The deadline for submission of completed articles for the May 1997 special issue is April 1, 1997. All authors should make sure to read our editorial guidelines.

John December ( is editor of CMC Magazine.

Copyright © 1997 by John December. All Rights Reserved.

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