CMC Magazine Editorial Information

Please query with the subject line cmc-mag if you would like to submit an article for publication.

This page gives links to general instructions that have been given to potential writers in the past, including information on editorial policy, style guidelines, audience definition, and identity definition.

Submissions were accepted by electronic mail only (either in full text or by sending a URL of the material on the author's site). No submissions on paper are accepted.

Submitting News, Opinion, Features, Reviews, or other Items

CMC Magazine welcomes submission of news, features, and opinion. Query the editor first before submitting feature or opinion pieces. Send submissions or press releases about events, new resources, new technologies, book reviews, review copies of books or software, or other information to the editor.

Submitting Letters to the Editor (MBOX)

Letters to the editor are welcome on any issues raised by or relating to the coverage area of CMC Magazine. Please have as a subject line, "letter to the editor" to indicate that your note is intended for publication. Sending material as a letter to the editor will be considered permission to use the letter in full or in part in the magazine, including the author's name and electronic mail address. Letters should be short and include information helpful to verifying the identity of the sender, such as a daytime phone number, institutional affiliation, or postal address. The editor reserves the right to edit letters, to verify the identity of the sender, or to not print letters. The letters to the editor section is not meant to be a "discussion area" (there are online forums for this), but as a means to share feedback about issues the magazine raises.

Submitting News Releases, Discussion, and other Items

Items of interest---either in the form of resources or current debates, unusual threads of discussion, or resources that are breaking new ground on the Nets are welcome. These items must relate to some aspect of CMC. Create a short blurb in HTML text and send it to the editor.

Last revision: 2003-08-10 by

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