Genealology ROOTS: Genealogy Information Sources

Explore Genealogy; Discovering your family tree can be an exciting adventure.


This web helps you explore Genealogy information sources; here, you'll find organized and annotated links to Web sites about Genealogy organizations, topics, books, and links. You can view and link to this information in a variety of ways, and your suggestions are welcome. Use the links at the top of this page to navigate and access this information


Organizations involved in Genealogy


Learn about specific areas of interest; cover genealogy and special topics


Major records sites; portals to major collections in genealogy and family history; fees may be required for access to detailed information or reports; check with your library for access to fee-based sites; some public libraries provide access to HeritageQuest, a subscription-based genealogy site; fee-based sites, edited and maintained by information professionals, are well worth the money for the increased coherence, organization, usability, comprehensiveness, and reliability of the information


Try free, quick, direct genealogy searches; these are free searches that can be done easily from an online form that covers a large number of people for a specific purpose; these searches are useful for starting out in research or for repeated basic searching; for more detailed searching, see sites or links


Buy books related to Genealogy


Access directories and indexes related to genealogy; these sites collect and categorize links to genealogical-related sites and information

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