Notice: This file is archived for historical purposes only and is not being updated. Please see the index for updates.

by John December (

About this List: This summary of Internet tools has been known worldwide since 1993 and is a collection of information sources about software used on the Internet for network information retrieval, computer-mediated interaction, and computer-mediated communication. A popular resource for Internet trainers and students to learn about the Internet, it is updated continuously. You can use this list for your reference.
Quick Access:

Tables of contents: Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
What's **excellent** / What's **new** / What's **updated**
Most Popular Sections This List Background
  1. NIR (Network Information Retrieval)
  2. NIR-Utilities-Netfind
  3. NIR-Utilities
  5. CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication)
  6. CMC-Group-pow-wow
  8. NIR-Systems-www
  9. STANDARDS-Internet
  10. NIR-Tools-ftp
  11. NIR-Tools-spiders
  12. CMI (Computer-Mediated Interaction)
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For fast navigation, bookmark this page and let me know what other direct links you'd like on it; I'll continue to update list of the "top 12" most popular sections and link them directly to here.

23 Dec 1997
© December Communications, Inc.