Web Spiders Results

This is the table of results from using the spiders for a sample keyword search.

SpiderSearch CommandOutputCommentsGrade
Alta Vista Advanced Query + "John December" NEAR "book" AND (NOT host:rpi.edu) AND (NOT host:loria.fr) AND (NOT host:unc.edu) AND (NOT host:december.com) over 100 documents; false hits included the word "book" near my name. Pretty easy to judge value; A-
Open Text power search + "John December" Near book But not (rpi.edu within Web Location (URL)) But not (loria.fr within Web Location (URL)) But not (december.com within Web Location (URL)) 28 documents; seems to close to what I want A-
Excite concept + "books John December wrote"; then sort by server approx 40 documents; many false hits Hard to judge relevancy from sort by server C+
keyword + "John December Book"; then sort by server approx 50 documents (some different from concept search); many false hits (December)
NlightN (John December) & book nothing no matchD
John December 1 database index (publisher in LOC), 76 web sites, 1 bookstore title matches from paper publications database; including 2 of my old poems! ineffective for search
infoseek guide All web pages: "John December" book about 100 documents many on my server; many false hits; F
Reviewed web pages: "John December" book same documents! option not working properly

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2023-06-01 · John December · Terms © johndecember.com